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If you own a Cape Cod home its likely that you are experiencing extreme temperature differences from your down stairs to your upstairs. At Home Environment Solutions we know why you are experiencing these temperature differences and we have your solution to the problem. Cape Cod homes are built with Knee Walls upstairs which can be tricky to insulate. If not insulated correctly these areas become gaping air leaks causing havoc on the heating and cooling of your house. Call us today for a free home evaluation.
Owner Carol D of Brackenridge, PA was looking for a solution to reduce the road noise from the high traffic street in front of her home. Carol was also concerned about losing storage space in her knee wall attic.
Mark O. proposed insulating the attic with sound reducing TruSoft cellulose insulation and insulating the knee wall with Cotton Armor insulation batts.
Foreman Mike Y. and his team Craig C. and Zach T. air sealed and insulated the attic to R60. In the knee wall attic the team removed the 60 year old paper insulation and replaced it with Cotton Armor insulation held in place with insulweb.
The owner said she can’t believe what a difference it’s made both with the comfort of the bedroom and the sound.