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Air Sealing and TruSoft Cellulose
Weirton, WV Attic/Storage in 1960's Home
Home Could not stay cool in the summer and hot in the winter in this 2 story home.
Before: The attic had old fiberglass insulation that was installed incorrectly and wasn’t nearly enough R value for the attic. The attic had many large open voids that were allowing the conditioned air in the home to escape. The HVAC system in the attic had many ducts and branches that were under insulated and leaking.
After: We removed all of the inefficient fiberglass insulation and discarded it. Next the added framing and plywood in the attic to fill all of the large voids that were part of the original construction. All of the holes, cracks and penetrations in the attic that were allowing the air from the living space to escape were air sealed. Install TruSoft PVC soffit baffle system along the perimeter of the soffit for proper ventilation and to prevent insulation from migrating into the soffit. The ducts in the attic were all repaired and insulated. Finally TruSoft Cellulose insulation was blown in throughout to and R-Value of R60.
Susan from Weirton WV needed her attic insulated. She contacted Home Environment Solutions for a free evaluation.
Zach and his crew came in installed Blown in Cellulous insulation.