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Insulation was old and deteriorating. Knee walls were not insulated causing cold air to penetrate through the upstairs living space. We insulated with TruSoft Cellulose and used High Density SilverGlo to insulate. Creating a much warmer/cooler upstairs for the bedrooms.
Kylee called Home Environment solutions saying she thinks she has mold in her attic. Russell went out to inspect and found microbial growth in the attic.
Our mold crew went out and first built a containment barrier on top of the pull down stairs scuttle to prevent contamination of remainder of home. Removed all contaminated fiberglass insulation and discarded. Used a surface substrate cleaner for removal of organic contamination where needed. Air scrubber in attic. HEPA VAC of roofing and rafter framing after dries.
Linda from Brookline called Home Environment Solutions wanting to know if we could help her reduce her energy costs. We scheduled her an appointment with one of our expert to come to her home and preform a free home energy audit. When our expert arrived he found many issues leading to Linda's high energy bills. Old batt insulation, unsealed/non-insulated scuttle cover and numerous unsealed penetrations.
Our team arrived and removed all the old batt insulation and prepared the attic for the new insulation. They air sealed and insulated the scuttle cover with silverglo, installed Silverglo on wall and between floor joist, air sealed all penetrations and installed Trusoft Cellulose on the attic floor. Encapsulated Duct System In Attic With Polyurethane Spray Foam. Tight 'N' True Foam Duct Encapsulation
Lauren from Shaler Pa called Home Environment Solutions concerned she had old growing in her attic. Lauren says she owns an older ranch home. We sent Russ our expert out to evaluate. When Russ arrived he found microbial growth on her old batt insulation, rafters and sheeting. Lauren also wanted Russ to figure out why her home is never a comfortable temperature. Russ performed a FREE energy audit of her home and discovered it had old batt insulation, unsealed wire runs, pipes and scuttle cover.
First we sent our mold team to remediate all the microbial growth that was found in the attic. First they built a containment barrier on top of the pull down stairs scuttle with plastic. Under negative pressure to not cross contaminate the remainder of the home. They removed all old batt insulation and discarded, used surface cleaner to remove all organic contamination, Hepa vac after treatment was dry. Next the insulation team air sealed and insulated scuttle cover with silverglo and zypfoam, sealed all interior and exterior penetrations with Zypfoam and installed Trusoft cellulose to the attic floor.
George saw the ad for Home Environment Solutions in the Clipper Magazine and called to schedule a free in home energy efficiently audit for his Pittsburgh, PA home. Russ arrived and got to work looking for ways to make George's home more comfortable and economical. Russ found that the upstairs in George's home was never comfortable. Either too hot in the summer or to cold in the winter.
The HES team arrived and got to work. They removed the old inefficient attic insulation and began air sealing. Next, TiteShell covers were installed over the recess lighting and SilverGlo foam insulation was used on the attic decking. The final phase was blowing in the cellulous insulation. George's home will now be more comfortable all year round and cost less to heat and cool.